OPtimize your process

Request Info on the Practice Axis Process

Every person who inquires at your practice is on a journey; not only a personal journey to healing and living life with peace and ease, but also a LONG journey down the road on the way to an intake session, a.k.a. Your Intake Process.

Due to the number of detailed steps and unique twists & turns down this road, there are many places along the intake journey where client care can fall short and revenue is lost. 

If your intake process feels exceedingly hectic as your practice grows, a client relationship management system (CRM) like Practice Axis can help reduce stress for your client care team and everyone involved.

Sign up to watch a full demo of our CRM if you've got the following questions:

  • Where do you have opportunities to automate communication & tasks during your Intake Journey without losing the human touch?
  • How can you improve client retention and reduce drop-off after the intake session?
  • How can you optimize your waitlist management to match prospective clients with the right therapist?
  • Which data can you be tracking from the first phone call to generate reporting insights you need to scale?

You'll Receive Info on how to book a Free Intake Analysis Session:

  • We’ll ask some thought-provoking questions to help you zero in on areas where you can optimize your current intake process
  • You'll receive strategies & tips to streamline based on the needs at your specific practice.
  • Based on our analysis, we'll recommend technology tools, training options and/or networking resources for you to optimize your intake process and scale your practice.

To maintain our hands-on approach and ensure your success with CRM implementation, we accept a limited amount of practices to onboard each quarter.

We are currently adding new practices to our waitlist until exciting new updates to our platform are completed. If interested, at the end of the Intake Analysis Session, you can reserve a spot to be onboarded to our platform when these updates are complete.

Watch Our CRM Demo