Why You Shouldn't Give Up on Your Prospects (Even if They're Ignoring You)

Client coordinator making a follow up call to an unresponsive prospective client.

We've all been there – you have a great conversation with a prospective client, you follow up, and then… crickets. No response. It's frustrating, but it doesn't mean they're not interested in working with you. So, how many times should you follow up with an unresponsive prospective client, and when should you give up?

First things first, don't give up too soon! People are busy and have a lot on their plate, so it's possible that they just haven't had a chance to respond yet. It's worth following up at least a few more times before moving on. But you don't want to come on too strong either and come across as pushy or annoying. 

So, what's the sweet spot? We recommend following up three times, spaced out by a few days or a week. That gives them enough chances to respond without overwhelming them with emails or calls. Keep your messages short and to the point, and try to personalize them by referencing something specific that you talked about during your initial conversation.

Now, let's talk about how Practice Axis can help you out in this area. If you're not familiar with it, Practice Axis is a CRM (customer relationship management) tool that helps you keep track of all your prospective client interactions in one place. It's a game-changer for managing your follow-ups!

With Practice Axis, you can set reminders for when to follow up with a prospective client, and keep track of all your previous interactions. You can also store information about each client, like their interests or goals, so you can tailor your follow-ups to their needs. It's a great way to keep things organized and make sure you don't drop the ball.

If you’re ready to streamline your prospective client management and have your practice running smoothly, schedule a demo of Practice Axis here!