Using Surveys to Improve Client Satisfaction and Retention in Therapy Practices

Client taking a survey they received after therapy on their phone.

As a therapist, you know that client satisfaction is extremely important to your practice. But how do you measure satisfaction? Moreover, how can you use that information to improve your services and retain clients?

One way to measure satisfaction is to send surveys to your clients. Surveys can help you to:

  • Highlight areas your clients identify for improvement
  • Get feedback on your therapists' skills and techniques
  • Gauge clients' satisfaction with the overall experience of your practice
  • Identify factors that contribute to client retention

When to Send Surveys:

There are two main times when you should send surveys to your clients: After intake and about three weeks after the first session. Then you can send periodic surveys to check-in with your clients.

  • After intake: This is a good time to send a brief survey to gauge clients' expectations for therapy and their overall satisfaction with the intake process. This information can help you to ensure that you are providing the right services to the right clients. 
  • About 3 weeks after the first session: This is a good time to send a longer survey to get more detailed feedback about your client's experience. You could ask questions about their relationship with the therapist, their progress in therapy, and their overall satisfaction with the services you provide.

One Question vs. Longer Survey:

You can choose to send either a one-question survey or a longer survey.

  • One-question survey: A one-question survey is a quick and easy way to get a general sense of client satisfaction. You could ask a question like, "How likely are you to recommend our practice to a friend or colleague?" or, “On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you feel that your therapist is a good fit for you?”
  • Longer survey: A longer survey will give you more detailed feedback on your services and client’s experience. You could ask questions about the overall experience of your practice, their comfort level with the therapist, their progress in therapy, and their specific suggestions for improvement.

By sending surveys at the right time and asking the right questions, you can get the information you need to make your practice the best it can be.

With Practice Axis you can set up automations for surveys and after you can analyze survey results with our reporting dashboard. All CRM’s have reporting to analyze your marketing efforts, but Practice Axis also includes reports on the status of each prospective client during the intake process and once they become clients. Is now the right time to implement a CRM at your practice? Take the quiz here to find out and learn more.