Streamlining Your Workflow with Post-Intake Therapist Surveys

A group of people having a meeting.

You might send a survey to clients after the intake session, but what about therapists? A seemingly insignificant step, this survey packs a powerful punch when it comes to streamlining communications and efficiency.

Picture this: A client schedules an intake session. 

The day arrives, and the care coordinator is left wondering – did the session happen? 

Did the client reschedule, or worse, no-show? 

This could mean phone calls, hallway chases, or even chasing down emails to update the schedule… 

Not exactly time-efficient, right?

A post-intake survey can simplify this process. Therapists receive a quick survey asking how the intake session went. This immediate feedback allows care coordinators to:

  • Maintain accurate schedules: With real-time updates, you can update schedules efficiently. 
  • Identify potential issues: A high number of no-shows could indicate a need to improve intake procedures or explore potential scheduling conflicts.
  • Streamline client flow: Knowing a client no-showed lets you reach out and reschedule them quickly, or even offer the slot to another waiting patient.

Here's where Practice Axis takes things a step further and makes the process effortless. Our CRM (customer relationship management) system automates the entire process. When an intake appointment is scheduled, the post-intake survey is automatically triggered to send to the therapist upon session completion.

This seamless workflow ensures care coordinators always have the information they need, at their fingertips. Plus, it frees up therapists' valuable time, allowing them to focus on providing the best possible care.

Ready to bridge the communication gap and streamline the workflow at your practice? Check out this quiz!