Retention Insights: Improving Your Therapy Practice with Data

Are you tracking retention? Retention by therapist or client termination reasons? 

In therapy, it can be a little difficult to track retention because clients come at different intervals throughout the month and sometimes it's unclear to a therapist whether a client has truly ended or is not coming back. However, at every practice, the clinician does have a certain point when they will write a discharge or termination note. 

Here's where systems go along with the technology! 

Of course, the clinician needs to write their discharge or termination note. Then, the person tracking retention (i.e. the clinical director, intake coordinator, or practice owner) needs to be notified somehow that a client has ended therapy. Therefore, everyone in your practice who is involved in the process needs to be trained to track retention to get the data that you need.

What does this look like in Practice Axis? We have areas on the client's journey where you can enter the termination reason, the termination date, and the number of sessions completed. With that data, you can pull a report on the difference and the reason by therapist.

Having a software to track these numbers is great, but that data is only accurate and helpful if the systems outside of the technology are in place to make it accurate. 

This is where training comes into play—getting your systems in place so that the client care team understands the communication between each clinician, where that information is being tracked and logged, and becoming systematized is essential. One person must be responsible for tracking the info and entering it into the system so that the data is up-to-date and accurate.

Ultimately, the systems are the key to making that data intelligible, interesting, and useful outside of your CRM.

I'm curious how you approach tracking retention at your practice. Hit reply & tell me what this looks like at your practice!