Personal Touch, Powerful Results: A Guide to Personalized Follow-Ups with a CRM

Idea! Use a CRM for alerts, reminders, planning, efficiency, priorities and monitoring.

In the intake journey, every interaction, every email, and every phone call holds the potential to turn a prospect into a loyal client. Yet, as you may well know, navigating this path is not always smooth.

There will be times when prospects don't respond, something you’re probably all too familiar with, leaving you wondering what went wrong or saying to yourself, “How do I keep outreach efforts on track?!”

It may be that they’re too busy, or overwhelmed, or simply no longer in need.

Whatever the reason may be, this is where a CRM (customer relationship management) system comes in as a powerful tool to manage your prospect data. With a CRM, you can maintain momentum in your outreach endeavors, especially when dealing with unresponsive prospects.

While a CRM can help with automated follow-up sequences to keep your outreach efforts consistent, there are times when you need to take a more personalized approach. This is where manual follow-up comes in, which a CRM can also help with.

Here are some specific ways in which a CRM system can help you schedule tasks for manual follow-up:

  • Set reminders for yourself or admin staff to follow up with prospects after a certain timeframe.
  • Create tasks to call, email, or connect with prospects on social media.
  • Track your follow-up attempts and the outcomes of your interactions.

By using a CRM system to schedule customized, one-off tasks for individual follow-up, you can ensure that you stay on top of your outreach efforts and no prospect gets left behind, ultimately increasing your chances of converting prospects into clients. If you’re still not sure that your practice needs a CRM, check out this quiz!