Optimizing Your Practice's Intake Process: A Comprehensive Checklist for Success

Your intake process sets the tone for your practice brand simply because it’s the first impression you make on every potential client... It's also the first step in a new client’s journey, so it can have a big impact on whether or not they decide to become a client.

This is just one reason why it's so important to have a streamlined intake process that leaves a great impression on every new client and gets them to an intake session as consistently as possible. But, how do you know if your intake process is up to par?

Use this checklist to assess the effectiveness of your current intake process and highlight any areas for improvement.

1. Do you have a centralized system for collecting and managing all your leads?

  • It’s important to capture and record new leads accurately and promptly.
  • Be sure to have a process in place to ensure leads are not missed or overlooked.
  • Make sure there is a mechanism to track the source of each lead (e.g. referral, website, marketing campaigns).

2. Is the appointment request process streamlined and user-friendly?

  • Have clear instructions for clients on how to request an appointment and provide multiple channels for appointment requests, such as phone, email, or an online booking system.
  • Make sure appointment request forms are easy to understand.
  • Ensure clients can complete the appointment request process conveniently, either online or in-person.

3. Do clients receive timely and detailed information regarding appointment confirmations and reminders?

  • Clients should have a clear line of communication available to address their queries and concerns.
  • Clients should be informed about any necessary policies (late policies, completed paperwork, etc.) before their appointment.
  • Ensure consistent and prompt responses to clients' inquiries or feedback. 

4. Are intake forms comprehensive and capture all necessary client information?

  • Offer guidance or assistance to clients when filling out intake forms.
  • Make sure the collected client information is accurate and up-to-date. 
  • Give therapists access to the necessary client information before appointments.

Based on these four questions, how would you grade your intake process? 

Using a customer relationship management (CRM) system can help your practice set the foundation for a streamlined, client-centric intake process. You’ll have one system to log all your leads, and features like automation to move the potential client along the appointment request process, task reminders to communicate in a timely manner and built-in templates to gather the information you need from each client. 

Click here to set up an intake analysis and receive a free training on what a CRM looks like for mental health practices.