Keeping Tabs on Your Team's Workload With a CRM

Woman stressed out at her desk in front of her computer.

When you’re getting flooded with inquiries and swamped with your work, it can be easy for leads to fall through the cracks. 

A CRM (customer relationship management) system can help you prevent this from happening by assessing your admin team’s workload, ensuring that no lead goes unanswered. This is important because it allows you to make sure that you have the capacity to handle all of your leads and make informed hiring decisions.

Here are a few ways that a CRM system can help you assess the workload at your practice:

  • Tracking all inquiries: A CRM system can track all of your inquiries, regardless of how they came in (phone call, email, website form, etc.). This gives you a complete picture of your incoming client funnel. 
  • Identifying trends: By tracking all of your inquiries, you can identify trends in your practice. For example, you may see that you get more inquiries on certain days of the week or during certain times of the year. This information can help you plan your workload accordingly and ensure that you have enough staff to handle the incoming leads.
  • Assessing capacity: A CRM system can give you a sense of the volume of work happening on the intake side of your practice. This can help you determine whether you have the capacity to handle all inquiries or need to make decisions about hiring, training, or redistributing tasks. For example, how many leads can your team follow up with effectively? How many new clients can you take on each month?

Here are a few specific examples of how you can use a CRM system to assess the workload:

  1. Create a custom report that shows the number of inquiries you've received in the past week, month, or quarter. This will give you a good sense of the volume of work you're dealing with.
  2. Use your CRM system to track the average time it takes you to respond to a new inquiry. This will help you identify any areas where you can improve your efficiency.
  3. Set up alerts to notify you when a lead has gone a certain amount of time without being followed up with. This will help you avoid letting any leads slip through the cracks.

By using a CRM system to assess your workload, you can make sure that you're using your time and resources efficiently to grow your practice.

If you're serious about stopping prospective clients from falling through the cracks, then consider using a CRM system. Check out this quiz to see if now is the right time for your practice!