Insights vs. KPIs: How to Use Data to Optimize Your Practice

Let’s talk about something that's super important but can also be a bit confusing - reporting and data. 

Now, I know data and reporting might not be the most exciting topic, but hear me out because when it comes to running a successful practice, the data you collect and how you use it can make a huge difference.

The key is understanding the difference between reporting for insights versus reporting for KPls. Let’s break each one down:

Reporting for Insights

Insights are all about understanding the bigger picture - things you have no direct control over, like what insurance people are inquiring about (Cigna vs. private pay, etc.) or how people are finding your practice (referrals vs. Google searches, etc.). This type of data gives you valuable context about your practice and your clients.

Reporting for KPIs

KPIs, or key performance indicators, are the metrics you can actually influence and optimize. Things like how long it takes to book an intake appointment, or how many intake sessions were booked in a given month. KPIs are the data points that show you where you have room for improvement.

So why is this important? Well, by tracking the right insights and KPIs, you can start to identify areas of your practice that need some TLC. Maybe you notice clients are taking too long to book appointments - that's a KPI you can work on optimizing. Or maybe you see that a lot of your clients are finding you through word-of-mouth referrals - that's an insight you can use to double down on your referral strategy. The bottom line is, data is powerful, but only if you know how to use it. 

That's where the resources we provide come in handy. Practice Axis offers tons of reporting tools and instructions to help you track the insights and KPls that matter most for your practice, and with our new Client Care Mastermind group we help your team stay accountable and help you interpret the data. 

So if you're ready to start using data to take your practice to the next level, let us know! We'd be happy to chat about the specific reports and metrics you should be tracking, just send us a message at