How to Re-Engage Potential Clients at Your Practice Without Being Annoying 

Therapy office sending out follow up emails to their past inquiries.

Have you ever had someone reach out to you about your therapy practice, but then they never followed up? Pretty common, right? We hear this from a lot of practice owners and it’s definitely frustrating. 

Well, you're not alone and there are actually a few things you can do to re-engage past inquiries and help get them to a therapist at your practice.

#1 Identify your past inquiries.

If you're using a customer relationship management (CRM) system, you can easily pull up a list of all the people who have expressed interest in your practice but haven't yet become clients. If you're not using a CRM system, you can still track your past inquiries by keeping a spreadsheet or simply reviewing your email inbox though this may be more difficult to sort.

#2 Send a follow-up message that offers some encouragement or helpful tips

This message should be casual and friendly, and it should remind the prospective client of why they were interested in your therapy services in the first place. You can also use this message to let them know about a new offering at your practice, such as support groups for parents or wellness services such as yoga or reiki.

Here are a few tips for writing a successful follow-up message:

  • Keep it short and sweet.
  • Personalize the message as much as possible.
  • Highlight the benefits of your therapy practice.
  • Mention any new offerings
  • Make it easy for the prospective client to get in touch with you.

#3 If you don't hear back from the prospective client, add them to your email list.

They can get newsletters or periodic updates on your practice with latest offerings and availability. This way you'll still be building relationships and keeping your name top of mind.

Re-engaging past inquiries is an important part of any practice’s marketing strategy and using a CRM, like Practice Axis, can make it easier by keeping all your inquiries in one place. Additionally, it can keep track of each lead with features like automation and task reminders. 

We hope these strategies are helpful! If you’re curious about needing a CRM right now to help you re-engage your past inquiries? Check out this quiz to find out!