Crafting Your Practice’s Welcome Call to Build Relationships

Client Care Coordinator on the phone at the receptionist desk of the therapy practice, speaking with a prospective client.

The welcome call is a pivotal moment for building strong relationships with prospective clients. It serves as an opportunity to introduce your practice through your unique approach to therapy, the tone and feel of your practice, and the different services you offer. In this blog post, we will guide you through crafting an effective welcome call that enhances your ability to build relationships and leave the right first impression.

1. Introduce the prospect to your practice.

  • What’s your unique approach?
  • Who is a good fit?

Highlight what sets your practice apart from others, such as specialized expertise, innovative techniques, or a patient-centered philosophy. Clearly communicate who would be a good fit for your practice, helping the prospective client understand how your services align with their specific needs.

2. Gather minimum contact info and needs.

  • First/Last Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Insurance
  • Clinical Need
  • Availability

By obtaining and tracking this basic info even if you don’t have a therapist on staff who is a good fit, it will help you to understand the types of inquiries your practice is receiving to make hiring and marketing decisions as you grow. 

3. Introduce yourself.

  • What is your role?
  • How will you guide this prospective client?

It's important for client care coordinators to introduce themselves and establish a personal connection. Share your role within the practice and explain how you will guide and support them throughout their journey. By creating a warm and friendly atmosphere, you help the prospective client feel more comfortable and confident in your expertise.

4. If moving forward, set expectations for next steps.

  • Follow up email
  • Complete paperwork
  • Policies on scheduling
  • Future phone call (Benefits/Check In)

Outline the process for moving forward and explain what they can expect. Clearly articulating these expectations demonstrates your professionalism and commitment to a smooth onboarding process.

Remember, each welcome call is an opportunity to make a positive impression and set a foundation of trust and confidence. A customer relationship management (CRM) system can help you successfully plan and execute your team's welcome calls by standardizing the intake process, making it easy for your team to get on the same page and train new employees. Still not sure if you need a CRM? Check out this quiz!