Build stronger relationships

Client Care Coordinator speaking with a prospective client on the phone, in the office.

As a mental health professional, you know that building strong relationships with your clients is essential to their treatment. But as a practice owner, you also need to manage even more relationships than that! You’re constantly managing relationships with your clinicians, your staff, and prospective clients, before they even start their first session…this can be a lot to handle, but it's made easier with the help of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

A CRM system is a standard tool across industries to track new and prospective clients, yet until now, none have been created specifically for the mental health industry. With Practice Axis, you can improve the prospective client experience before they even start their first session. Here's how:

1. Introduce your practice through your unique brand

When prospective clients first reach out to your practice, they want to feel welcomed and know they are in the right place. A CRM system can help you create a personalized experience for each prospective client by describing your practice’s unique approach. With templates you can create automated emails based on your brand messaging. This will help your practice stand out, build trust, and make a great first impression.

2. Provide timely responses to client outreach

When people reach out to your practice, they expect a timely response or they often move on. Using a CRM system, you can set up automated emails to let prospective clients know the next steps and that you'll be in touch soon. This ensures that every prospective client receives a response and feels valued, even if you're not able to respond immediately.

3. Create consistent quality of care

In a group practice, it's important to ensure that every prospective client is treated the same way. A CRM system can help you to standardize quality of care by setting up task reminders for your team. For example, you can create a task to follow up with a prospective client after they've completed the intake session. This ensures that no client falls through the cracks, and everyone is treated fairly.

4. Check-in with current clients

Once a prospective client becomes an actual client, it's important to maintain communication and build a strong relationship. A CRM system can help you automate check-ins with your clients, which can improve retention rates and increase client satisfaction. For example, you can set up automated surveys to clients every couple of months to get feedback.

5. Track retention rates

A CRM system can help you track retention rates and identify areas for improvement. By tracking how many clients return for additional sessions, you can identify any patterns or issues that may be causing clients to leave. For example, you can pull a report on how long a client stayed with a therapist and track the termination reason.

Don't wait any longer if you’re curious about how Practice Axis can help you streamline your practice and build strong relationships with your clients, click here to schedule a demo today!