Bridge the Gap: How Post-Intake Surveys Strengthen Care Coordination

Client taking a customer satisfaction survey.

This single question can yield invaluable insights into the client's experience and satisfaction level, serving as a crucial feedback mechanism for both the care coordinator and the therapist.

By streamlining the post-intake survey process to a single question, you’re making it easy for clients to provide feedback without feeling overwhelmed. This simplicity encourages participation and ensures a higher response rate, allowing you to gather a wealth of feedback in a short amount of time.

But why is this feedback so important? The answer lies in its potential to help:

  • Identify Trends: This data allows care coordinators to identify patterns and address potential issues. Is there a need for more therapist training on specific intake techniques or treatment approaches? Perhaps there's a mismatch in communication styles or even personalities. Do certain client profiles require more careful matching? By understanding trends, you can proactively improve your matching process and communication strategies. 
  • Provide Coaching Opportunities: The survey data empowers informed coaching conversations with therapists. You can analyze which therapists consistently receive positive "good fit" responses and explore what contributes to their successful initial client interactions. This best-practice knowledge can be shared with other therapists, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within your practice.
  • Refine Practice Philosophies: The survey serves as a springboard for refining your practice's core philosophies. By analyzing survey responses alongside appointment booking data, you can optimize your scheduling practices and ensure clients connect with the right therapist.

Post-intake surveys are more than just a client satisfaction metric. They're a powerful communication bridge between care coordinators and therapists, fostering collaboration and ultimately, leading to better client outcomes. 

With a CRM, like Practice Axis, you can automate post-intake surveys, taking the burden off your team. You can monitor survey responses, track client progress towards scheduling a session, and identify areas for improvement. This valuable data empowers you to continuously refine your practice's communication flow, ultimately leading to better client outcomes. Is your practice ready for a CRM? Take this quiz to find out!