Balancing Demand and Capacity: A Guide to Managing Prospective Client Expectations at Your Therapy Practice

A prospective client filling out an online inquiry form for therapy on a practice’s website.

As a therapist, you know that the demand for your services is higher than ever. But what happens when you have more clients than you can see? How do you manage expectations when all client inquiries go to the waitlist?

Here are a few tips:

  • Be transparent about the waitlist. When a prospective client calls or emails your practice, be clear about your availability, how long the waitlist is, what the waitlist policy is, and how often you add new clients to the list. This will help them to set realistic expectations and avoid disappointment.
  • Offer alternative resources. Unless you will refer them to another practice, you can offer clients alternative resources, such as self-help books, online resources, or support groups. This can help them to feel supported while they are waiting for therapy to start.
  • Keep prospective clients updated. Let clients know where they are on the waitlist, and how you will be contacting them when you have an available appointment. This will help them to feel informed and valued. You can also create a waitlist page on your website or post updates on social media. 
  • Be patient and understanding. Prospects who are on a waitlist for therapy may be feeling anxious, frustrated, or even hopeless. Be patient and understanding with them, and let them know that you are committed to helping them.
  • Add prospects to your email list. Send out email newsletters about your practice, new services to offer, upcoming events or new therapists at your practice.

These tips can help clients to feel informed, supported, and valued, even while they are waiting for therapy to start.

If you’re having trouble managing your waitlist, think about using a customer relationship management (CRM) system. It can help you track your waitlist, filter your waitlist when you have openings, and set up automated email responses and updates to waitlisted prospects. Take this quiz to learn more about a CRM and see if it's beneficial for your practice to have one.