5 Reasons to Make Clients Feel a Part of Your Whole Practice

Do you make your clients feel a sense of belonging and connection with your practice as a whole in addition to the therapist? The intake process sets the tone for the therapeutic journey, and by making your clients feel like valued clients of the practice too, you can enhance their overall experience

Here’s why prioritizing the client-practice relationship during the intake process is crucial:

Reason #1: Best Fit

The client care coordinator is the first point of contact for a new client and therefore, the face of the practice. It’s important that the client knows that the client coordinator will be their personal guide to match them with the best fit therapist at your practice. By emphasizing the practice as a whole, you're offering clients access to a diverse team of professionals, each with their unique expertise and approaches. This way, clients can find the therapist who resonates with them and their specific goals, increasing the chances of a successful therapeutic journey.

Reason #2: Retention

From the initial intake form to the first face-to-face meeting, taking the time to understand the client's story and concerns shows that you genuinely care about their well-being. It's like having a therapist who knows them personally – because, well, you do! Every client is unique, and they want to know that you see them as an individual with specific needs, not just another appointment on your schedule. By treating them like clients of the overall practice, in addition to the therapist, you can tailor the clients experience to their preferences and they will be likely to stay with your practice even if they end up changing therapists for any reason. 

Reason #3: Trust

When clients feel like part of the practice, they are more likely to stay within the practice even if their primary therapist goes on maternity leave or experiences other professional changes or if another therapist is better suited to meet their evolving needs. They've already experienced the supportive and caring environment your practice offers, so they can trust that another therapist within the practice will provide the same level of care and expertise and ensure a smooth transition.

Reason #4: Team Effort

By emphasizing the practice as a whole, you're letting clients know that although they are working with a single therapist; they're supported by a team dedicated to their growth and healing. From the receptionist who greets them with a smile to the client care coordinator  who ensures a smooth experience, everyone plays a part in their journey. This team approach creates a supportive atmosphere that fosters trust and encouragement.

Reason #5: Long-Term Relationships

Although people stay in therapy for various lengths of time, that doesn't mean the connection has to end once the sessions do. By treating clients like clients of the practice, you're setting the stage for long-term relationships built on trust and mutual respect. Even after their therapy concludes, they may continue to seek other services within your practice that can help them to face other life challenges such as stress. With a relationship of trust, you can easily offer another service at your practice, i.e. bodywork, energy healing or coaching, for example. And who knows, they might even refer their friends and family members to you, creating a cycle of trust and growth within your practice.

By prioritizing the client-practice relationship, in addition to the client-therapist relationship, during the intake process, you create an environment that supports their healing journey. Remember, the foundation you lay during the intake process sets the stage for a successful therapeutic relationship and helps you grow your practice too. Practice Axis can help you in streamlining client management, tracking progress, ensuring seamless transitions, and nurturing those relationships from the start. Not sure how? Click here to take a quiz to see if you need a CRM at your practice now.